Aug 8, 2024

Announcing Squad Version 2.0

Blue Flower
Blue Flower
Blue Flower
Blue Flower

We are thrilled to announce the launch of Squad 2.0, a powerful upgrade designed and built to give life to how product teams strategise, plan, and execute. With insights gained from our community, we’ve built a more focused and user-centric version of Squad, incorporating new features and a complete UI overhaul for an enhanced experience.

What’s new in Squad 2.0

Introducing the Strategy Canvas

One of the standout features of Squad 2.0 is the Strategy Canvas. This full-screen canvas view allows teams to create sophisticated, outcomes-based roadmaps and opportunity trees. The Strategy Canvas provides dynamic and interactive visualisation, top-down visibility, and guidance, ensuring all team members stay aligned and focused on the most impactful tasks. This feature not only simplifies roadmap creation but also enhances collaboration and strategic planning.

New sidepanel view

The new sidepanel view in Squad 2.0 allows you to view the details of goals, opportunities, solutions, and requirements without leaving your main workflow. Whether you need to delve into a specific solution or review a requirement, the sidepanel view offers a convenient and efficient way to access the information you need. This enhancement significantly improves user experience by reducing context switching and keeping you focused on your tasks.

A fully revamped UI

We’ve completely revamped the user interface of Squad to be faster, more scalable, and a true representation of our brand. The new UI is designed with user experience at its core, ensuring all features are easily accessible and intuitive. With this upgrade, Squad 2.0 not only looks better but also performs better, providing a smoother and more responsive experience for everyone.

The benefits of Squad 2.0

  1. Enhanced productivity: The Strategy Canvas and sidepanel view streamline workflows, reducing time spent on administrative tasks and allowing teams to focus on strategic decision-making.

  2. Better collaboration: New features foster a collaborative environment, ensuring all team members are on the same page and can effectively contribute to the product strategy.

  3. Scalability and performance: With a revamped UI, Squad 2.0 is built to handle the needs of growing teams and complex projects, making it the perfect tool for organisations of all sizes.

Why we built Squad 2.0

As product teams face increasing pressure to deliver on business outcomes, the need for robust, intuitive, and efficient product strategy tools has never been greater. By automating administrative tasks and providing powerful visualisation tools, Squad 2.0 helps teams stay aligned with their goals and make data-driven decisions.

The release of Squad 2.0 marks a significant milestone in our journey to support product teams in achieving excellence. We believe the enhancements in this version will empower teams to build better products faster and with greater precision.

Get started with Squad 2.0

We invite you to experience the new features and improvements in Squad 2.0. Whether you’re an existing user or new to Squad, now is a great time to explore how our tool can transform your product strategy and execution.

This update is not just about new features; it’s about our commitment to continuous improvement and our dedication to helping product teams succeed. Welcome to a new era of product strategy with Squad 2.0.

Squad 2.0 is now freely available. Sign up, try it out, and share your feedback with us. Together, let’s bring more strategy into product development.

Hamish Jackson-Mee

Aug 8, 2024

Squad’s building towards a world in which anyone can develop and manage software, properly.

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